Excellent synopsis. FWIW, this dynamic has been known for many years and both revealed and studied by numerous "whistleblowers" and investigators. And Davos doesn't care, such is their hubris and certitude with respect to the power they wield. But forewarned is forearmed, and all the Independents are not sitting idly by waiting to be fleeced or destroyed. As you point out, they will put up a formidable fight and have reality working for them. Russia, China, and India all have heavy industry, lots of human capital, and substantially homogeneous populations which are difficult undermine.

Most importantly, Western natives are not as indoctrinated and dominated as you may think. Yes, the controlled media portrays an image of soyboy eunuchs and butch amazons as the core of these populations, but that propaganda isn't real and won't stop a bullet or a bolt from the blue.

As with ChatGPT and Gemini, computer analytical power has crossed a threshold where macro-scale societal modeling is now fully able to evaluate and optimize strategies for defeating the Davos cabal despite their power and resources. Turnabout is fair play.

All human life on Earth can be thought of as a complex biological organism that roughly parallels the functioning of a single human body and its cellular constituents. Evolution has made us robust by virtue of natural mechanisms that overcome the debilitating effects of disease. When a small number of pathogens invade the body and thereby initiate illness, the body responds with antibodies (and other remedial agents) that ultimately remove these harmful elements by a variety of means. This methodology has been operating successfully in almost all life forms for about a billion years.

Davos is counting on being able to foment violent and existential struggle among the bottom tiers of the social pyramid and thereby eliminate as many alpha males as possible via mutual slaughter before unleashing the jackboots to mop up and gulag the remnants. Only in this way can they avoid the attention that could put them at risk. But what if the alphas don't take the bait and instead go underground to eventually become antibodies? Its not over until the fat lady sings.

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I mostly agree with your analysis, but I have to wonder if the WEF isn't a 'throw' to take our attention off the real powers behind current events. The WEF seems to go out of its way to make their plans widely known, which of course prompts a flurry of analysis and reaction as seen in various forums such as Substack. Maybe our attention should be focused elsewhere and not on the Emmanuel Goldsteins such as Justin Trudeau and Jacinda Ardern that the WEF produces in abundance? To steal a line from Stalin, The WEF? How many divisions have they got?

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The WEF may very well be a bunch of flunkies rather than the actual masterminds. I think that's actually very likely. They may also, as you point out, be a misdirection. Unfortunately, the WEF and their masters have many divisions - NATO & co plus their woke enforcer brownshirts.

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To which I would add the Atlantic Council, CFR, IMF, Word Bank, Bilderbergs, UN, WHO, CIA, DARPA, DTRA, MI6, Mossad, various secret societies and of course the half dozen or so families who control the world's banking system. Did I mention the "royal" family? Can't leave them out!

But back to Stalin. I notice the collective West is hard pressed these days to raise the kind of divisions that, despite conscription, people in Russia readily volunteer for. Combined with China that basically moots any sort of action on the World Island, assuming they could even get there. Naval power, which the US and Britain once were has already been mooted by advanced missile technology which basically obsolesces surface warships. All that's left are the submarines, and it won't be long before they're obsolete as well.

Interesting times!

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The WEF is simply the Ministry of Communications.

Imagine a very small interest group that wishes to remain anonymous.

To seize power, it will first have to take the heart of monetary and information emission. Then it will have to take possession of savings and invest them in funds that will take possession of international companies and the media.

To select its employees (politicians, senior civil servants, bosses, etc.), it will set up think tanks and massonics sects, and will not hesitate to use punishment for those who refuse. In this way, the laws will evolve to protect his operational strategy.

Once all this is in place, you can apply any strategy you like to manage social discontent.

However, to take over the world, the planets have to be aligned, and every country has to be under the domination of the octopus (central bank, ...). Otherwise, all you have to do is apply force.

And that's not the case, not only are some countries not aligned, but their military resources seem superior. What's more, countries that are aligned could disengage. The plan is therefore blocked, or even in danger, even though this group is working on several generations.

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Good synopsis.

I recall an episode of Star Trek where one of the elder Ferengis admonishes one of his juniors: "Fool. You don't seize power, you accumulate it slowly over time!"

That has definitely been the pattern with previous empires, such as the British. Military power is reserved for the recalcitrant, the rest can be bought off or compromised in some manner. Still, I doubt if any one group has achieved total dominance as some like to portray. I think it's more likely you have a situation similar to the American mafia, where there's an agreement in place to divide up the territory thus avoiding conflict. Conflict inevitably arises though, so some form of enforcement must exist. I suspect that's under threat at this time though, which is where all the drama is coming from. Certain groups have set out on their own to establish complete control over their local domains. China, Russia and Iran fit the profile, and the accumulation of power around those centers is underway, which threatens the main cabal and their long standing association with other groups who are now starting to defect, a la Prisoner's Dilemma. That's my read of it anyway. Crumbling Empire 101.

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Absolutely, China, Russia and Iran have not played the game, and worse, their central banks are inaccessible. These 3 countries also have a reservoir of proxies capable of exhausting the empire both materially and morally (Venezuela and Yemen, for example). Finally, the BRICS+ have the factories, the workforce, the raw materials and the energy. As it stands, the globalist plan is at a standstill.

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Excellent analysis. Let's hope that there will be some pleasant surprises.

Unfortunately, people don't know history, but they do live through the misery that is inflicted on them.

The Christian West failed when, 400 years ago, it left the management of money to a Jewish elite from Eurasia, itself driven out by the nascent Russian nation. Once the central banks were occupied, all the strategies for enriching themselves by plundering were open to them. The European powers were foolish enough to seek funding for pointless wars.

There are ways of combating it, through the nationalisation of public assets and large strategic companies, and the abolition of debt and interest on it, but we know full well that this octopus now owns politics, the media and the top posts in the administration, the police and the army.

That said, it is possible to see the West fragmenting as events unfold. We are already seeing this in the way the crisis in the Red Sea is being managed, and it is not certain that the European industrial oligarchy will continue to mutilate itself simply for the sake of the survival of a secular financial oligarchy.

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My thoughts, such as they are! First, thank you again for the analysis.

As a Brit, I grew up with the political stability of “a balance of power,” namely a dance between the USA and Russia and their spheres of influence. I find it quite short-sighted and demented to wish for a monopolistic situation – always doomed to failure as the outcome of monopolies invariably results in the opposite of its original goals.

I am, therefore, encouraged by the intelligence and resilience of the BRICS. However, I am also aware that India, China and Russia at least are still favouring surveillance, dubious injections and other policies that are compatible with Davosian thinking. I realise that all leaderships must deal with the reality that they are a minority and vulnerable to the reactions of the vast majority of their citizens. Obviously, leaders will deploy various tactics to manage this imbalance.

However, some well-respected and well-regarded commentators claim that the division between Davos and BRICS is just theatre to distract us whilst they perfect their centralised digital currency and their surveillance operations – both terrestrial and satellite. Maybe it will result in a compromise – particularly, as you say, the West/Davos have undermined their own economic, monetary (and moral) bases.

Two last thoughts: perhaps, karmically, the West doesn’t deserve to survive other than at a stone-age level. We never took democracy seriously enough to practise it by engaging in and understanding operations and keeping our leaders to account. In our ignorance, we were also indifferent to the devastation our economic and military operations worldwide caused.

Lastly, I am appalled and bemused that the “elite”, or whatever we wish to call them, have the impertinence and karmic stupidity to elevate themselves above humanity and assume that they can do whatever they wish to do with us, the people and, indeed, all living entities.

Such hubristic thoughts, let alone words and deeds, carry their own mechanisms for self-destruction. Oh, dear! Never mind!

Maybe the West can grow up and find within ourselves those qualities bequeathed to us by virtue of our birth and ‘deal’ with those who have positioned themselves as our foes, but with great wisdom, humour and as little bloodshed as possible. Obviously, before Doomsday.

Interesting times, indeed!

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> The West doesn’t deserve to survive other than at a stone-age level.

This is a very Western thing to say

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Yes! xxx

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Excellent article but you need to highlight the role of women in this. Crushing the western economies to support the various jihad waged by the rulers is most popular with uni educated white women. You can look at voting patterns, public opinion surveys or simply observe what demographic is out in force demanding actions that cripple the economy: defeating the sun god, war with Russia, open borders, legalizing black crime, turning antifa loose on normal people, censorship, etc etc.

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Happy New Year Gaius, and many more interesting articles I wish you!

Well, what I can say, it is terrible to live in Matrix, sometimes I think that I really living in world like Matrix. And years and years I try to find "who are the people", masterminds, if you wish to say, who make decisions and try to control our everyday living.

You make answer to me, thank you for that. To me it is more clear and I can understand where we are and when we are going. Many years ago, I write and speak that Western civilization is going in its Dark Age, or new Dark Middle Age where we will enjoy in all popular events like, witch seeking, public executions, torture, spying and reporting to authorities, rules what are defined daily and extinguish daily at a wish of "new nobleman". My thinking is based at that time, on watching young guys how they work on job and how many knowledge they have. I ask many years, how is possible that Roman civilization is lost, changed with fragmented kingdoms with stupid uneducated peoples. Well, it come to me, it is because schools are lost, teaching is not forced and one or two lost generations is enough that society is descent in dark. But than come to me something what I really do not understand, for God sake, why western countries abandoning military and manufacturing processes? Why? Than come to me one more question, why all western countries accept light drugs? All of this question have not any sense to me. But, reading your writings, I come to conclusion that is all intentionally introduce in ours societies just to keep ruling elite in power for long time.

And with that, many puzzles fall in place, military is non existent in most western countries and that is intentionally done, to secure ruling elite from overthrow. How? Easy, officers are not teach in military science years and years in military schools and academies, today, they go on curses what lasting few weeks, maybe months, and that is. Solders are not "exercising" and practicing military science on fields. Warehouses are empty from armament, armor and ammunition.

Common people do not know nothing of basic infantry training, how to fire guns, maintain and use guns effectively. And war in Ukraine is fall nice for them, warehouses are emptied fast and not replenish at all, because, there is no factories what can produce equipment(not in large quantities) and elite have no desire to change that. Elite know there is no danger for them form Russian side at all. So, elite can sleep well and sound knowing that military is not something to worry at all.

And light drugs fall here nicely, with use of light drugs civil population is passivate with drugs and do not want to take fight on elite. So they can sleep well too.

In schools, young peoples are educated on many things that do not have any real meaning in life, school books are not uniform and teaching is depending from class to class(different approach and explanation in different books) and with that people got different teaching on the same thematic and can not make any agreement with each other. Plus introducing new values and new ideology make no unity in thinking, no critical thinking is teach in schools at all. And without critical thinking elite can sleep soundly.

Without schools, there is no educated work class for industries, without industries, there is no knowledge transfer from old worker to younger one, skills are lost and make manufacturing unprofitable. Plus lousing raw materials and energy make western products noncompetitive in world market. Without work class(traditionally they are troublemakers) elite can sleep, for any type of unrest, there is police force.

Today's police force are better equipped than most military units, better trained.

Like in Middle Age, when we have nobleman with few well trained armed guards who control and hold peasant population in hand.

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I would like to hear your thoughts on Argentina. They seem to have elected a moron under the promise he would dollarise the economy at exactly the worst possible time to do it.

I would also would like to hear your opinion on the El Salvador Bitcoin thing.

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I'm not knowledgeable enough about south and central America to comment seriously on this.

What is happening in El Salvador under Bukele is extremely interesting though. Bukele seems to be a patriot and a very intelligent man, at least to someone like me who knows little about the situation.

Regarding Argentina the same applies - I know very little. However, I'm seriously starting to think that Milei is a trojan horse working for the local business elite and the West. I may be wrong but something about all this isn't right.

The dollarization of Argentina is going to backfire. A currency must be a result of the economy, regardless of how bad that economy is. An external currency controlled by external forces will function as a "cause" and the economy will be the "effect." Everything in the economy will be skewed as a result of those external forces and things will get even worse. That is not to say that the Argentinian economy isn't controlled by external forces now, but this is not a solution. You may get away with this short-term, or in a country that has no real economy (such as a financial services hub), but in a real economy this won't work. Just look at the Eurozone where the currency is by design either too strong or too weak for each country and the whole thing is out of balance and generally a mess in the economically weaker parts where the Euro is too strong. You could even posit that the dollar is too strong for the USA because of its reserve status (external force) and has because of that helped gut the US real economy.

Dissociating an economy from its currency is either a malicious action or action carried out by people who don't know the difference between cause and effect.

Regarding the bitcoin thing in El Salvador, I don't understand that well enough to comment on it. I don't know how bitcoin would interact with the real economy.

I would be very interested to hear comments from readers from south and central America about these issues and the situation there in general. If I have misconceptions I would also like to be corrected. :)

Also if there are bitcoin enthusiasts here who have thought this through, by all means tell us what you think!

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great article! thanks! merry christmas!

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Thank you and Merry Christmas to you too!

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Very interesting as everything you post.

Nonetheless at least 2 of the 4 main components of the takeover of all assets are preposterous :

Point 3 : Assets have value only when they can be sold to somebody who is able to buy them otherwise they are liabilities. When people in power own everything it is communism and we know from theory and experience where it leads (poverty for everyone even the masters).

Point 2 leads to the same result. What made some people hudgely wealthy is capitalism and the ability to sell products and services to millions of people who are themthelves rich (productive) enough to buy them.

This project is doomed from the beginning.

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Well, that was a pretty grim. I like it, but, holy shit; I suppose you warned us there were some fear porn.

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Fantastic reading. Greetings from Serbia and Merry Christmas to western Christians! Coffe for sure! :)

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Thank you and greetings to you and the Serbian people. Let's hope that the latest western regime change operation doesn't interfere with your Christmas and new year's celebrations.

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Thanks for your warm regards. Our govermant is not perfect but I think most people learnd lesson from October 2000 (color revolution). I knew backthen that it is western ocupation in most part...but now as big powers especially Russia and China starting to push back, here in Serbia you can feel fighting spirit awakaning again. I think they can not make another color revoultion. Hope free world will win!

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Interesting article. In the meantime, US FED has developed an operating loss, which it has been nursing throught to today. This is extremely dangerous because it means FED is printing money without any backing of any sort - which is hyperinflationary. Supposedly, FED knows what it's doing and supposedly it expects to convert to an operating income sometime during 2024. Nevertheless, even if it manages do to so, it might trigger hyperinflation of US dollar, which itself IS resolution 1. you posted above - defaulting on all debt. Simply put: hyperinflation wipes the slate clean. More info in an old note that is quoted in the second half of this post: https://snbchf.com/monetary-fiscal-policy/quasi-fiscal-deficits-hyperinflation/

Ostensibly, the FED will attempt to close the loss in 2024 by reducing the rates it pays out on deposits. We'll see if they manage to do so. About the worst case possible is for the financial markets to front-run the FED and keep the interest on debt (that FED collects) continuously below the FED's policy rates (interest FED pays out). This would perpetuate the operating loss. There's OK chance of this happening. But even if it doesn't, the reduced rates by the FED will likely be inflationary, with inflation possibly going into double digits during 2024 which in turn might cause civil unrest in USA and drag it down into a quagmire.

We'll see what happens. I'm sad about the brainwashed Euros tho... :(

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FED's expectations can be seen here: https://www.newyorkfed.org/medialibrary/media/markets/omo/omo2022-pdf.pdf (EDIT: in Chart 34 on page 39, also the "baseline" is 4.875, as detailed on page 36.)

Here's some more background info: https://www.stlouisfed.org/on-the-economy/2023/nov/fed-remittances-treasury-explaining-deferred-asset Just please keep in mind that in the time from when that was published to today, the "deferred asset" dissapeared (it used to be on the asset side in table 5) and in it's place there is "Other liabilites and accrued dividends" on liabilities side in table 5. So there's plausibly some shenanigans going on with "managing perceptions" and other things.

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I've heard theories that the FED has actually been rather conservative in printing in comparison to what the Biden admin has told/asked them to do. Don't know if this is true. Have you checked out Tom Luongo's theories on the FED's interest policy? He has a very interesting "conspiracy" theory on that. Don't know if he's right but it's intriguing.

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I would never bet against Tom. He's a brilliant analyst who comes up with off-the-beaten-path theses.

I think you've nailed what's going on. I've reviewed the 2-pager on the Great Taking, and you've captured those thoughts. I'm especially interested in the assertion that "our owners" can claim collateral from everyone, including people not holding debt themselves, but merely have accounts in institutions.

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I rarely read Tom Luongo, but I'll go check it out later.

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Thank you for a comprehensive essay.

I shall try to make a contribution, however token, but, being Christmas Day, it's difficult at the moment.

In the meantime, allow me to wish you a happy Christmas holiday.

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Thank you and Merry Christmas to you!

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Thank you. You ask for readers’ comments. This is mine:

Please read a recently published ebook : The Rock Breaks the Globalists’ Empire. It is free on most platforms (Amazone charges a nominal fee for Kindle). It is pretty thorough. Again, thank you.

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Thank you. All of you feel free to suggest relevant reading material or analysis/analysts who might be interesting.

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Thank you again for this Christmas present from last year, Gaius.

I read it first on The Saker blog.

Some of the uncertainties are now made manifest for examination and consideration:

BOE Needs World War Three https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/boe-needs-world-war-three

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I am a dilettante and my political opinions come from the opinions and analyses of other people ( like yourself).

It's a great article and still relevant to the current situation.

I think Russian, Chinese and other BRICS psychopaths will be fighting the psychopaths of the West just to prove that their vision is better.

It's interesting to see how the elite works. At this moment they give

The impression that everything is under control, Ukraine, economics, politics.

But there are Hamas/Izrael killing fields that need to be sorted out.

Let's assume that Izrael's deep state overlooked (on purpose) the attack on the 7th of October, how does it incorporate into the plan of the West?

The West is crumbling, soon there will be the scenario of WW1 panning out, and Europeans once again will be at each other's throats.

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There are all kinds of theories on the Gaza situation. It seems likely that clearing Gaza was an old plan waiting for an opportunity. If we want to be extra conspiratorial, we could point out the following: Israel basically engineered Hamas to take over Gaza back in the day to split Gaza from Fatah/the Palestinian Authority. This would seem to be a fact. Also, the main financial supporter of Hamas is Qatar, which is basically a western (mainly British) outpost on the Arabian peninsula. Qatar has a surprisingly close relationship with Israel.

A conspiracy theorist might suggest that Israel not only allowed the Hamas incursion to happen but outright engineered it, perhaps with the help of the West through influence on Qatar. I have no idea if this is correct but stranger things have happened.

Regarding how this ties in with the plan of the West, some people (including Tom Luongo I think), have suggested that this is directed at destabilizing Egypt by flooding them with angry Palestinians and causing internal turmoil and economic problems. Egypt is a very important country in an important location (for example the Suez Canal) and is about to join the BRICS. The West is on the defensive now and sabotaging BRICS is a priority - and it would seem likely that Egypt is therefore a priority for destabilization and regime change.

So all this would be a twofer: Clearing out Gaza and regime changing Egypt in the process. But this is all speculation. Who knows what's true.

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