Your article is quite good, but puzzling in one respect. Why label this behavior 'fascist'? To me, such narcissistic behavior is perfectly descriptive of the woke left. Historically, each fascist state was put in place with the goal of supporting only their respective homogeneous people, along with the traditional family that would continue to procreate those same people. Advancing an LGBTXYZ agenda would be totally in opposition to such purposes. This is not to say that fascists were not totalitarian; however, just because two different ideologies (fascism and woke leftism) both use the same totalitarian tactics, does not logically mean they are the same ideology.
Although there are some overlapping beliefs, there must be definitional differences between fascism, Naziism, and woke leftism. If those are not maintained, then it leads to false categorizations and sloppy thinking. Therefore, for the above and many many other reasons, I still strongly maintain that the mind virus which has infected Britain, and is destroying all of western civilization, is a kind of secular religion called woke leftism.
You are right, I'm being heavy-handed and inexact with the definition. Narcissistic totalitarianism is not fascism - it's Trotskyism. I guess I'm engaging in a little rebranding on my own calling this 'new'fascism.' The problem is that Trotskyism has good brand management in society and is not generally perceived as bad - so I was looking for something with more impact. Besides, these people call everybody who disagrees with them fascists, so why not do the same? :/
I promise I'll be more exact in the future and I may may in fact be writing something on the subject.
In the UK the government operates in close cooperation with big corporations (Blackrock; B Gates; pharma, etc.) If it's not fascism, I don't know what it is.
It's absolutely fascism in that respect. The social aspect, however, is not. It's like we're looking at something new, a fusion between the two most toxic political ideologies with no upside for anyone but the managerial class.
This transgender bs paves the way to transhumanism. The insane globalists believe, they could drastically reduce the population (via the so-called pandemic and so-called vaccines), so the non-humans will do the manual jobs. Marvelous!
Better to have stuck to your earlier term, in my humble view. The global new totalitarianism can objectively described as fascist: Schwab's public-private partnerships in perfect sync with Mussolin's 'corporatism'; the new, techo-version sharing vintage fascism's characteristics of permanent war, propaganda-as-news, censorship, total surveillance, scape-goating, assault on freedom of expression, personal liberty, autonomy, etc. And, like the original, financed by capitalists. Woke plays a similar role to that of 'socialism' for National Socialism, drawing in and hypnotising the masses, sowing confusion and, today, making useful idiots of whatever's left of the Left. Whatever has Trotsky got to do with it?
Hey, not all of us Brits support this insanity. We have a Uniparty here that bears no relation to what normal people want and our electoral system gives us no way out. Every advert on UK TV has a black, Muslim or mixed race family (despite the country being 90% white). Every programme has to mention climate change all the time. Gardening programmes are full of same sex couples. If only we had a Trump - Farage is our nearest but he’s vilified by the MSM as a Fascist, and Tommy Robinson rots in jail for pointing out that Muslim rape gangs are a reality. Please help us!
You got me thinking. Perhaps Jaguar wants to be the Ubermarke of high society, woke, LGQXYZ. To be for them what the Mercedes was to the original Nazis.
I wish I knew. Perhaps TATA and Chandrasekaran were simply duped into it. Maybe he misjudged what's going on in the West (or maybe not). Anyway, I would love to know what they are talking about in Mumbai these days.
The Battle of Britain was a close run thing but you won. Thankfully. Similarly, the Battle ‘for’ Britain is no less tenuous and judging from what I’m reading nothing less than a visceral and kinetic D-day like response is going to save you and likewise us here in Canada.
One result of this 'rebranding' (Woke religious conversion) will be an increased inability to sell cars. If you don't focus on your alleged reason for being, then it isn't your reason for being...
Modern totalitarianism always present itself as a virtuous ideology. Hitler's ideology was National Socialism. Pol Pot and the Khmer Rogue believed they were the true Communists beyond Marxism-Leninism with the mission to destroy all classes killing nearly 4 million Cambodians in the process. The totalitarianism of the LGBTQ is justified by their woke ideology and as the as the Jaguar exesc demonstrate, should they seize political power they will be equally ruthless as the Nazi sand the Khmer Rogue.
Your article is quite good, but puzzling in one respect. Why label this behavior 'fascist'? To me, such narcissistic behavior is perfectly descriptive of the woke left. Historically, each fascist state was put in place with the goal of supporting only their respective homogeneous people, along with the traditional family that would continue to procreate those same people. Advancing an LGBTXYZ agenda would be totally in opposition to such purposes. This is not to say that fascists were not totalitarian; however, just because two different ideologies (fascism and woke leftism) both use the same totalitarian tactics, does not logically mean they are the same ideology.
Although there are some overlapping beliefs, there must be definitional differences between fascism, Naziism, and woke leftism. If those are not maintained, then it leads to false categorizations and sloppy thinking. Therefore, for the above and many many other reasons, I still strongly maintain that the mind virus which has infected Britain, and is destroying all of western civilization, is a kind of secular religion called woke leftism.
You are right, I'm being heavy-handed and inexact with the definition. Narcissistic totalitarianism is not fascism - it's Trotskyism. I guess I'm engaging in a little rebranding on my own calling this 'new'fascism.' The problem is that Trotskyism has good brand management in society and is not generally perceived as bad - so I was looking for something with more impact. Besides, these people call everybody who disagrees with them fascists, so why not do the same? :/
I promise I'll be more exact in the future and I may may in fact be writing something on the subject.
In the UK the government operates in close cooperation with big corporations (Blackrock; B Gates; pharma, etc.) If it's not fascism, I don't know what it is.
It's absolutely fascism in that respect. The social aspect, however, is not. It's like we're looking at something new, a fusion between the two most toxic political ideologies with no upside for anyone but the managerial class.
This transgender bs paves the way to transhumanism. The insane globalists believe, they could drastically reduce the population (via the so-called pandemic and so-called vaccines), so the non-humans will do the manual jobs. Marvelous!
This is a selection-event, as are the gene-therapy COVID "vaccine products".
Don't get selected out.
"Win" by surviving. Grow vegetables. Ride a bicycle.
See if you can live where the weather and other people both won't kill you...
Better to have stuck to your earlier term, in my humble view. The global new totalitarianism can objectively described as fascist: Schwab's public-private partnerships in perfect sync with Mussolin's 'corporatism'; the new, techo-version sharing vintage fascism's characteristics of permanent war, propaganda-as-news, censorship, total surveillance, scape-goating, assault on freedom of expression, personal liberty, autonomy, etc. And, like the original, financed by capitalists. Woke plays a similar role to that of 'socialism' for National Socialism, drawing in and hypnotising the masses, sowing confusion and, today, making useful idiots of whatever's left of the Left. Whatever has Trotsky got to do with it?
Hey, not all of us Brits support this insanity. We have a Uniparty here that bears no relation to what normal people want and our electoral system gives us no way out. Every advert on UK TV has a black, Muslim or mixed race family (despite the country being 90% white). Every programme has to mention climate change all the time. Gardening programmes are full of same sex couples. If only we had a Trump - Farage is our nearest but he’s vilified by the MSM as a Fascist, and Tommy Robinson rots in jail for pointing out that Muslim rape gangs are a reality. Please help us!
Have you noticed, the only ads on TV that don't include black faces are the ones for funerals?!?
And assisted dying!
Predictive programming at its finest.
You got me thinking. Perhaps Jaguar wants to be the Ubermarke of high society, woke, LGQXYZ. To be for them what the Mercedes was to the original Nazis.
Betting the business on electric is a huge mistake. Going woke is even worse. Jaguar are now a car crash in motion, just like Bud Light.
In a different age when it was acceptable for men to like girls.
I thought Jaguar/Land Rover was owned by TATA. (it is)
Do you think this is a strategy to bankrupt TATA Motors?
What if the Execs in India say No effing way!
And the creme de la creme of extreme hubris... they are just cars.
I wish I knew. Perhaps TATA and Chandrasekaran were simply duped into it. Maybe he misjudged what's going on in the West (or maybe not). Anyway, I would love to know what they are talking about in Mumbai these days.
The Battle of Britain was a close run thing but you won. Thankfully. Similarly, the Battle ‘for’ Britain is no less tenuous and judging from what I’m reading nothing less than a visceral and kinetic D-day like response is going to save you and likewise us here in Canada.
Sorry, but their "future" looks terribly like leftovers from the 1980s.
One result of this 'rebranding' (Woke religious conversion) will be an increased inability to sell cars. If you don't focus on your alleged reason for being, then it isn't your reason for being...
LGBTQ+ is a product of Judeo-Globohomo Bolshevik Banksterism. Not Traditionalism, not Fascism, not Nationalism, not Nazism. Heilige Scheiße.
Modern totalitarianism always present itself as a virtuous ideology. Hitler's ideology was National Socialism. Pol Pot and the Khmer Rogue believed they were the true Communists beyond Marxism-Leninism with the mission to destroy all classes killing nearly 4 million Cambodians in the process. The totalitarianism of the LGBTQ is justified by their woke ideology and as the as the Jaguar exesc demonstrate, should they seize political power they will be equally ruthless as the Nazi sand the Khmer Rogue.
Up in the sky! Look! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's......Robbie Starbuck!