I have received many complaints that I undeservedly left Justin Trudeau out of my last piece. I thought I would make it up to him with a personal letter. I know he likes attention and complements so I'm indulging him.

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May Justin Trudeau get what he deserves!

At the other end of the cosmic scale, may you also get what you deserve!

Meantime, please accept my thanks and appreciation.

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This Canada affair is indeed very strange as pantoufle points out. It is very interesting how blind everybody was to what they were doing. Their hiding from responsibility is to be expected though, considering what kind of people run the country.

There is a lot of confusion regarding the left-right paradigm as groddlo mentions. I plan on discussing that later - and I suspect I will piss some people off. We'll see. :/

I would like to point out that I took some liberties with the truth in that letter for "literary" reasons. Trotsky wasn't killed in a whorehouse. He had a mansion (like every self-respecting champion of the proletariat) and was attacked there. He died in a hospital if I remember correctly. The Stalin/Trotsky affair as it applies to the early Soviet Union is also debated. I don't know if we will ever learn the whole truth about that, although there are probably documents locked away in Russia which might be interesting.

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You've made me obliquely think of that wonderful movie, 'The Death of Mr. Lazarescu'.

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One thing that strikes me about htis little fiasco, is what it shows about the current Political climate in Canada. I mean, Hulka must have spent most of his life here, after the war, being pretty darn quiet about his role in the war. Same with all his buddies that fled here. And I get how, at 98, he may be less sharp, and prone to being less discreet than formerly.

And I get how the clueless Mr. Rota thought he could win some easy virtue points by having the old guy stand up and take a bow. (What exactly this idiot thought he was promoting I still don't quite get.)

But think about the role played here by Hulkas family and friends. You can bet THEY know his record. All too well. Yet they clearly thought it was a great idea to bring him to Ottawa and put him inside a bit of limelight. This shows the shift in perception in this country. The Ukrainian community here obviously no longer feels the need to hide their past or their politics. They feel in control.

Don't you all, Kristia darling?

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I have an axe to grind. It's about people lumping extreme liberalism (in the form of fascism) together with extreme socialism (in the form of communism). They even invent an overarching name for it, totalitarianism.

The problem with this is that there is little uniting extreme liberalism and extreme socialism, other than their overriding of human freedom. That's the only thing they have in common. It would be much better to treat them separately, because only then would it be possible to properly focus on extreme liberalism's error, which is the same as ordinary liberalism's error. That error is laissez-faire: the prevention of state from interfering in affairs of men, which in turn enables man to enslave man. For how would modern FIRE rent-extractors exist and persist if state were to concern itself with right moral order? Therefore, to enable enslavement of man by man, extreme liberalism denies the state has any right to discover and *enforce* morality. The other error of liberalism - weirdly, corrected by fascism - is to deny purpose to peoples. It only permits society to satisfy it's base, animal, needs but not also sufficiency needs like self-actualization, including self-actualization through historical acts and nation-building. And in keeping with this, it commits a third error: it only permits decision making by free market. Ignorant to the free market's failings such as lack of bandwidth and/or dynamic range in information processing.

I would also criticize the West's ifatuation of calling Nazis "socialists". I see this is best explained as shielding far liberals (Americans) from the realization the only difference between them and Nazis is one of degree - not of kind. It also helps them forget all of their racist beliefs and harboring of Nazis. To call liberals "socialists" is for Americans to call them Other, because it puts an equals sign between Nazis and Soviets in the mind of an American. This is an error. America is the very embodiment of liberalism and as such is closely related to Nazism. The difference is only of degree.

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A bit of comic relief on this whole sordid affair which has revealed the current Canadian political class as witting and unwitting supporters of Nazi-Banderite Fascism. Because they were caught "in flagrante delicto", literally in bed with a Galician SS soldier, they are now falling over themselves to make carefully crafted apologies that avoid the essence of their crime. Trudeau got away with calling the truckers a fascist, he and his party are likely to get away throwing Rota, the Speaker of the House of Parliament, under the bus.

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Very good, intelligent letter, Gaius Baltar. Another thing is whether the narcissist Trudeau can understand it...

But let me share one thought. I am not sure whether associating Trotsky's and Hitler's ideas is right. For two reasons: 1) they certainly lie far from each other, 2) it doesn't help to free the world from the men like Trudeau. There are people who feel attracted by both our and Trotsky's thoughts. Now they have a problem 🤔. Not smart for building a counterweight to the rulling narcissists.

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You are right about that. There are indeed many differences between Hitler and Trotsky - and their followers. In this letter I was only referring to their common purpose of destroying Russia, ignoring what sets them apart. I must also admit that I embellished quite a lot of things in the letter for effect, perhaps even for shock value. Your point is very important and I am, in fact, writing a piece which addresses exactly what you are talking about.

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Clear. I will certainly enjoy reading thins new piece.

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Dear author, I am the rarest of the rare; I’m a 60-year-old Anglo Torontonian and a fervent Quebec separatist.

As I see it, the post national nation is nothing really and certainly nothing worth saving, so, Canada can do the world a favour and provide an example, we can be a cautionary tale about the woke leftist postmodern ideology and the destruction it portends.

Of course I don’t really have to do anything because the immigration policy of Canada has been noticed by the Québécois and they are heading towards another referendum to save themselves. Staying in Canada is just too risky for that small group. So Canada lets in 2 million people per year, they flow across provincial borders, Quebec separates because otherwise they are swamped out and the rest of Canada Falls apart. Whether you agree with me or not, I’m pretty certain this is our destination: 2035ish.

I made a $10,000 donation to the Party Québécois. Paul St. Pierre Palamon is the right guy at the right time.

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